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Adopt Rescue Care

law enforcement
to report
animal neglect/cruelty
Dog Warden
Licensing Requirements
Learn all about licensing for your dog in Washington County and renew or purchase your license online.
Washington County Dog Licensing
Dog License Search
You are now able to look up dog tags on our online system!! If you happen to find a stray dog please check for a collar and up to date tags to get the dog returned to the owner as quickly as possible. If the dog doesn’t have a collar or tags, or it is an ongoing issue with the dog please continue to call in to dispatch 740-376-7070 ext. 0.
Washington County
Ohio-wide (select county on tag and then select License Search at the top of the page)
Wood County WV
Washington County Lost Dog Reporting
If you live in Washington County and have lost your dog. you should reporting it to the Dog Warden per the following instructions.
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